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If you’re looking to reduce workflow redundancies, it might be time to invest in robust skill development automation software. In this blog, we will look at how automation can streamline your workflow and eliminate bottlenecks.

What is workforce-oriented skill development automation?

Workforce-oriented skill development automation refers to a type of software that helps:

  • Reduce human participation or involvement in repetitive tasks
  • Increase productivity and drive efficient communication
  • Save time and effort in doing redundant, manual tasks, which can be carried out by an automated tool
  • Magnify the organization’s efficiency while reducing costs

How can skill development automation software help lower workforce redundancies?

Workforce-centric automation software eliminates the chances of errors and inconsistencies creeping into the workflow process. The software typically follows a set of predefined business rules to roll out strategies that do not require human intervention. This kind of software empowers businesses to improve their internal processes while boosting external productivity. Here are the top 5 benefits of using workforce automation software for your business workflow process:

  1. It paves the way for an error-free work environment by identifying the source of the errors and mitigating it proactively. The approvals process no longer gets delayed and the company doesn’t suffer from poor record-keeping practices. Plus, the tool can identify repeating patterns to prevent errors from happening in the future.
  2. It helps connect the people, software, and systems within an enterprise, and drives a more collaborative style of working. Furthermore, the tool can collect critical data in real-time and provide actionable insights into how well the workflow processes are working (or not working).
  3. It boosts productivity as team members get more time to focus on highly-specialized tasks that require a creative and innovative touch. Plus, they get more time to focus on strategic goals, which no longer take a back seat. They don’t need to waste time doing manual tasks which are repetitive; instead they can focus on problem-solving. All the ‘grunt’ work can be taken over by the automation tool, which can speed up the workflow process and provide increased visibility into workflow progress.
  4. It eliminates redundant manual tasks, which can cost businesses up to $5 trillion annually. Research indicates that these manual tasks take the average worker around 69 days to complete annually. In fact, according to research by McKinsey, around “45% of the activities individuals are paid to perform can be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technologies.” In absolute numbers, this translates to $2 trillion in annual wages.
  5. It can effectively tackle high-volume, recurring tasks that are time-sensitive and require extensive compliance. By consistently providing high-quality and reliable outputs, the organization benefits from greater trust, confidence, and loyalty from the end-users.


If you’re looking for a technology company that specializes in providing effective, lean, and adaptable professional and technology services, head on over to Team 81. We can help you get one step closer to your business goals.

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